GPDX - Grupo Português de DX

GPDX - Grupo Português de DX

segunda-feira, 25 de outubro de 2021

3D2CR [DXpedition de Setembro 2021] (FT8 e SSB) inválido para o IOTA

A actividade realizada este ano entre 18 e 25 de setembro por Dominik Grzyb desde Conway Reef (3D2CR) não foi validada para o IOTA !

Há problemas em demonstrar que se cumpriu com a regra B.3.10 do regulamento IOTA, relacionado com o FT4/FT8 e os contactos feitos de forma automática, isto é não iniciados e concluídos pessoalmente pelos operadores em ambos os lados. Segue abaixo a transcrição do comunicado sobre o assunto. 

3D2CR operation by Dominik Grzyb from Conway Reef, September 2021

IOTA Management regrets that it will not be able to accept for IOTA credit contacts made with the 3D2CR operation from Conway Reef between 18 and 25 September 2021. Dominik has not been able to show that his FT4/FT8 activity complied with IOTA rule B.3.10 on which clarification was given in a Management News Item on 10 September. At Dominik’s request credit will also not be given for a small number of contacts made on SSB. Management wishes to draw IOTA DXpeditioners’ attention to its policy of only accepting for IOTA credit contacts that result from contemporaneous direct initiation by the operators on both sides of the contact. Automated contacts, i.e. contacts not initiated and completed personally by both operators at the time of QSO are not acceptable in a programme founded on an ethos of recognising personal operating performance and skill.

Team IOTA, 23 October 2021