Decorreu no passado dia 24 de Fevereiro a Assembleia Geral ordinária do GPDX.
Presentes estiveram alguns do membros, tendo depois sido realizado um almoço como se vê na fotografia abaixo.
A assembleia teve lugar nas instalações da empresa NEW HORIZONS-Computer Learning Center , tendo sido gentilmente recebidos pelo General Manager Sr. Carlos Reino.
Last 24th of February, took place the annual General Meeting of GPDX.
After the meeting, the members went for lunch as shown in the photo below.
The meeting took place at the facilities of the company NEW HORIZONS-Computer Learning Center, where we where received by the General Manager, Mr Carlos Reino.
À esquerda (on the left)
CT1FPA Duarte, CT1BOP João Rafael, CT1WO Vítor Silvestre, CT1BGE Luís Costa, CT1EKD Pedro Namora, CT1EEQ Luís Rodrigues,
À direita (on the right)
CT4VB José Roseiro, CT4NH Luís Teixeira, CT1IW Norberto Harting, CT1DGK Antônio Pedro, CT1EGW Arlindo Ferreira