GPDX - Grupo Português de DX

GPDX - Grupo Português de DX

segunda-feira, 2 de setembro de 2013

IOTA EU-167 Pessegueiro Is.

O GPDX, através de CT1EEQ/P, CT1EGW/P e CT4NH/P, activou nos dias 31-08 e 01-09-2013 a Ilha do Pessegueiro, válida para o Diploma Islands On The Air (IOTA) Refª EU-167, World Wide Flora and Fauna (WWFF) Refº CT FF 012, Diploma das Ilhas Portuguesas (DIP) Refª BA-001, Diploma dos Castelos e Fortalezas de Portugal (DCFP) Refª F-043 and World Castles Award (WCA) CT-00219.
Como sempre a Marinha Portuguesa, através da Capitania de Sines , foi inexcedível na atenção que sempre tem para com os Radioamadores. Novamente o nosso muito obrigado!

GPDX members CT1EEQ/P, CT1EGW/P and CT4NH/P were active on the 31st August and 1st September from Pessegueiro Island. This operation is valid for the following awards: Islands On The Air (IOTA) Ref EU-167, World Wide Flora Fauna (WWFF)Ref CT FF 012, Portuguese Islands Award (DIP) Ref BA-001, Portuguese Fortress and Castles Award (DCFP) Ref F-043, World Castles Award (WCA) Ref CT-00219.
As usual Portuguese Navy / Maritime Authority of Sines Harbor was excellent , confirming the special attention and sympathy they always have with us,  Radioamateurs. Thank you !

QSL Via Home Call !

Check the photos below...
 Pessegueiro Island

PORTO COVO harbor , small fishing community and excellent touristic spot, close to the city of Sines

"NOVO HORIZONTE" and captain Mr. Joaquim Matias - without his precious help this operation would not have been possible

 Equipment on board the boat "Novo Horizonte"

(left to right) Luis CT4NH, Luis CT1EEQ, Mr Joaquim Matias and Arlindo CT1EGW

Very exclusive Portable Pier


Shack with Luis CT4NH operating

R7 Antenna

Arlindo CT1EGW

 Luis CT1EEQ

 The Shack

Our camp site in the top of the Fortress with a breathtaking view !

 The Fortress at Pessegueiro Island

Pessegueiro Island - Old Roman city and important archeological site

Geocachers are welcome too ! At least 2 caches in Pessegueiro! We found one...

 Luis CT1EEQ on the return voyage to main land